Wednesday, November 11, 2009

These first couple of images were taken a couple days ago while biking through downtown. The portraits were for the internship I have. This was the biggest shoot I have been assigned so far and had a blast! 


  1. I am so digging the guy laughing! What a great shot...don't know what you told him, but it's obvious you had him in the palm of your hand...where I usually am too, honey, because I love you with all my heart (so mom)! Love you.

  2. nice shots eric I love the black and white stuff. Glad you found the camping trip pics they are awesome!

  3. I'm going to have to agree with your mom. The third portrait is so good. You'll have to bust out your sweet jokes on me sometime.

    Have you ever been to pictured rocks/have shots from there?

    -your secret admirer

  4. awesome new pics i guess it pays to travel huh?
